Cover Image of the Game Icewind Dale 2

Icewind Dale 2 Tiefling Rogue Build

Icewind Dale 2

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Icewind Dale 2 Tiefling Rouge Build

The Tiefling Rogue

The Tiefling Rogue

Rogues share little in common with each other. Some are stealthy thieves. Others are silver-tongued tricksters. Still others are scouts, infiltrators, spies, diplomats, or thugs. What they share is versatility, adaptability, and resourcefulness. In general, rogues are skilled at getting what others don't want them to get: entrance to a locked treasure vault, safe passage past a deadly trap, secret battle plans, a guard's trust, or some random person's pocket money.

The build is meant to be a fun build since Rogues aren't that powerful in Icewind Dale 2 unfortunately.

Basic Stats

Race: Tiefling

Class: Rogue

Alignment: Neutral Evil


The stats revolve around Dexterity and Intelligence since those stats scale best with your skills.

Build Progression

  • LVL 01: Rogue (1): Sneak Attack 1d6, Rapid Shot
  • LVL 02: Rogue (2): Evasion
  • LVL 03: Rogue (3): Sneak Attack 2d6, Dash
  • LVL 04: Rogue (4): Dexterity +1
  • LVL 05: Rogue (5): Sneak Attack 3d6
  • LVL 06: Rogue (6): Dirty Fighting, Uncanny Dodge
  • LVL 07: Rogue (7): Sneak Attack 4d6
  • LVL 08: Rogue (8): Dexterity +1
  • LVL 09: Rogue (9): Sneak Attack 5d6, Hamstring
  • LVL 10: Rogue (10): Improved Evasion
  • LVL 11: Rogue (11): Sneak Attack 6d6
  • LVL 12: Rogue (12): Dexterity +1, Improved Critical

You'll go with Rogue every level obviously. At the end, 9 different skills at your disposal. That means, that you should make use of them all.

Rogue Problems

As already hinted, the rogue has some flaws which makes the class worse than other classes in the game:

  • There are not many traps and they're not deadly, anyway (no need for Search/Disarm skills)
  • ANY lock can be forced open by characters with sufficient Strength scores. Plus, there is the arcane spell, Knock (no need for Open Lock skill)
  • Invisibility spells facilitate more reliable scouting (no need for stealth skills)
  • Barely any good items can be pick-pocketed (no need for Pick Pocket)
  • Rogue-only feats such as Crippling Strike and Hamstring are cool but not very impacting. In addition, Mirror Image > Rogue Evasion and Mind Blank > Rogue Slippery Mind.
  • Sneak Attack doesn't work for ranged weapons and Sneak Attacks can only be executed once per four rounds. Subject to certain regulations, in Neverwinter Nights, ranged Sneak Attacks and many-attack Sneak Attacks are possible, which is much cooler.
  • High INT builds (e.g, Wizards) can take Rogue skills as cross-class ones without putting a dent into their deep skillpoint pool.

Most glaring problem is the INT focus on the build in my opinion. There is no justification to spent more points into Dexterity since the Rogue doesn't have unique features in their kit that scale well with DEX. Which means that ironically Sorcerer builds can match the damage output by just sub-classing Rogue for couple of levels.


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