Cover Image of the Game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Best Skyrim Graphics Mods You need to Download right now - Part 2

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Profile picture of rpg_maven




Skyrim Graphic Mods You need Right now - Part 2

Skyrim is still a game played by many people. In fact, over 30,000 people play it everyday on average. This is part 2 of the graphics mod series. If you like to view my first guide, you can click here. Without further ado, let's get to it!

1. Enhanced Lights and FX

Download: Nexus Mods

Beautiful sunshine

Beautiful sunshine

Enhanced Lights and FX has the simple goal to place light sources in a more realism manner like in the sky or a light object source like the sun, to create a more realistic mood in the game. If you take close looks in the vanilla game you will notice that some lighting in the game comes from places where there is not light source or it's just way to bright. This mod addresses this problem by really trying to mimick real-life and not overly illuminating places in the game.

Dark stays dark and places where the light hits will be illuminated

Dark stays dark and places where the light hits will be illuminated

2. Ruins Clutter Improved

Download: Nexus Mods

Fixing UV mapping errors in dungeons

Fixing UV mapping errors in dungeons

This mod fixes UV mapping errors mostly found in dungeons but also sometimes in other areas of the game. It's kind of like Static Mesh improver since that mod improves both the meshes & textures but this mod focuses more on the dungeons. It's sometimes very subtle and you have to look into details of objects (most of the time you filter UV bugs in your brain) so it's not a must. I think however that it goes hand in hand with Static Mesh Improver and should be used as an addition. Never hurts to fix some (UV) bugs right?

The candles look amazing now!

The candles look amazing now!

3. Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K

Download: Nexus Mods

Whiterun: before

Whiterun: before

Whiterun: After!

Whiterun: After!

Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K rextures and changes the architecture of buildings in the game. It also touches land, mountains, hills and generally everything around the cities. It's again very subtle like the other mods and you can only feel the weight if you look into details. Personally I'm a details person so for me this mod adds more immersion. However one should not overdo some of the mods I've already listed since some can hurt the "usability" of the game so to speak.

4. Realistic Water Two SE

Download: Nexus Mods

Like water? Here have some nice looking water.

Like water? Here have some nice looking water.

You like good looking water? This mod is for you. Honestly I already like the current flow-based water in the game (Special Edition) but if you like more realistic details, then this mod is exactly what you want. For instance, the flow-based system in Special Edition is applied everywhere, which is physically speaking wrong. It makes some lakes or ponds look weird because the water still has some kind of current even though, there is no "source" where the water is coming from. Besides, the mesh gets improved as well which is also nice.


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