The guide has been written by Gauntlet_Man_99 ages ago. Thanks for that!
Tell the world about your cool guide ... This FAQ has been created to stop the countless posts on message boards everywhere with people constantly asking, "Where is the (insert skill here) secret trainer?" After many hours (coughtwentyminutescough) of scouring Vvardenfell for all of the secret trainer locations, I have managed to find all of them except the Long Blade. Information on him/her would be greatly appreciated. And *PLEASE* stop asking where to find these guys...there's a FAQ now. Also, yes, this _is_ my Tribunal and Morrowind one too, and now it's for Bloodmoon also. Yay me.
Secret Trainers and Their Locations
Here they are, every single Secret Trainer in Morrowind that I could find, just waiting totrain you higher than any other.
Skill | Acrobatics |
Location | Fighter's Quarters in the Waistworks in Viver, Arena. |
Person | Senyndie |
Skill | Alchemy |
Location | Propylon Chamber in ValenVaryon. |
Person | Abelle Chiditte |
Skill | Alteration |
Location | Seryne Relas's House in Tel Branora. |
Person | Seryne Relas |
Skill | Armorer |
Location | Bottom level of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison in Ebonheart. |
Person | Sirollus Saccus |
Skill | Athletics |
Location | Adibael's Yurt in the Kaushtababi Camp. |
Person | Adibael Hainnabbibi |
Skill | Axe |
Location | Top level of Falensarano. |
Person | Alfhedil Elf-Hewer |
Skill | Block |
Location | Courtyard of Buckmoth Legion Fort. |
Person | Shardie |
Skill | Blunt Weapon |
Location | The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise (St. Delyn's Plaza in Vivec). |
Person | Faralenu Henim |
Skill | Conjuration |
Location | Bottom level of the Temple in Ald'Ruhn. |
Person | Methal Saran |
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