Cover Image of the Game Neverwinter Nights

Most Important Cheats in Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights

Profile picture of playguidegg




Most Important Cheats in Neverwinter Nights

Need cheats for Neverwinter Nights? We got you fam.

How to Open the Console

You first need to open the console to input cheat codes. Press the Key Below Escape (Esc) to open the console. Once open, you can start typing cheats.

Example Cheat

Let's say you want to add Charisma to your Character. The Cheat code for that is: ModCHA #

To add 20 Charisma to your char, you have to type this comand: ModCHA 20

Cheat List

Add specific number to CharismaModCHA #
Add specific number to ConstitutionModCON #
Add specific number to DexterityModDEX #
Add specific number to IntelligenceModINT #
Add specific number to StrengthModSTR #
Add specific number to WisdomModWIS #
Allows the use of every spell in the game. No class restrictions.dm_allspells 1
Change your character's age.dm_modifyage #
Change your character's appearanceSetAppearance (001-298)
Change your fortitude saving throw.dm_modifysavefortitude #
Change your reflex saving throw.dm_modifysavereflex #
Change your will saving throw.dm_modifysavewill #
Disable cheatsDebugMode 0
Display current game timedm_gettime
Display your frames per second.fps
Enables CheatsDebugMode 1
Give a set amount of XP.GiveXP #
Gives you Golddm_givegold #
Gives you just enough XP to gain one level.dm_levelup
God modedm_god
Heal all damage done to your main character.dm_heal
Hide your party's names on the sidebarhidepartynames
Makes angry cows appear to kill your enemies.dm_cowsfromhell
Modify your base to-hit bonus.dm_modifyattackbase #
Modify your spell resistence.dm_modifyspellresistence
Raises your leveldm_givelevel #
Set current game timedm_settime
Set your character's race.dm_setrace
Sets Charisma (9-50)SetCHA #
Sets Constitution (9-50)SetCON #
Sets Dexterity (9-50)SetDEX #
Sets Intelligence (9-50)SetINT #
Sets Strength (9-50)SetSTR #
Sets Wisdom (9-50)SetWIS #
Show your party's names on the sidebarshowpartynames
Speed Cheatdm_mylittlepony
Turns off the above code.dm_allspells 0


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