Cover Image of the Game EverQuest

Little Known Facts about EverQuest


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EverQuest is a MMO that been around for over 2 decades already. It's considered to be the Top 100 RPGs of All Time. We will present you some sweet facts about the game.

The Cover

The Cover

Fact 1: The Game launched in 1999

We didn't lie when we said it was over 2 decades old. It's crazy to think because most online games these days won't be up more than couple of years unless the game is really doing well. Even after all those years, the game still has about 40k active players everyday. That's alot!

Fact 2: There are over 300k NPCs in the Game

EverQuest boast with over 300k NPCs in the entire game. If you think about it, that's crazy. Most Games (or MMOs) won't have that many NPCs. Really interesting Game design there.

Fact 3: Over 30k Spells have been created

The number is probably alot higher now but according to this source, 32,882 Spells have been created in total.

The Spellbook

The Spellbook


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