Landscape Mods for Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Interesting Landscape Mods for Skyrim
Ever looking for landscape mods in Skyrim? Here are some mods showcased that might be worth looking into. For sure there are many popular ones that I have already show cased in my other posts, but I haven't touched on the lesser known ones!
1. Happy Little Trees
Download: Nexus Mods

Retexturing trees
This mod has the simple aim to just re-texture trees in Skyrim but without costing reducing performance by like 50%. The creator writes: "I measured an impact of 5 FPS with a disabled FPS limit on my GTX 970. Which is pretty pleasant result." Which is a pretty good result in my opinion. The textures might look a bit too "clean" but that's personal preference again.
2. Fabled Forests
Download: Nexus Mods

Fable in Skyrim
Ever wanted a different feeling for the forest in Skyrim? This mod gives you exactly that. With Fable Forests, you can basically change the look and feel of the game entirely. More dense trees, more trees and more of everything regarding forests. There are many options to choose from and the creator claims that the mod isn't taking big hit on performance. Personally, I like the look!
3. Skyland - Green Tundra
Download: Nexus Mods

Is this Oblivion?
Now we're getting into territory where one might think that we're going back to Oblivion! If you dislike the whitish look of Skyrim (fair), then this mod is for you. Skyland - Green Tunda gives you what some might miss in the game: more Green.
The creator said that the mod was asked for a lot so he took matters into his/her own hands and delievered here. Head over to the Nexus page and have a look yourself if you like to give it a go!
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