Cover Image of the Game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Interesting Companion Mods for Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Profile picture of rpg_maven




You ever like a good companion?

Companions have somewhat of a interesting reputation in the game. A lot of people like them (Lydia) - others find them useless. In my opinon the companion system in vanilla could have been a tad better in terms of leveling since some companions become really useless at some point. But in the early to mid game they are quite useful for carrying items or helping in combat. You can even marry them.

That's my bae - Lydia

That's my bae - Lydia

But often I find myself abandonding companions due to AI problems or just the redundance when going into higher levels. I have some mods I'd like to showcase that might help mitigate that problem. Besides those I also have some new companions installed that I like to show aswell.

1. UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Download: Nexus Mods

More new features

More new features

The start makes UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul. This is a pretty good mod and a must have if you want to add new features to your companions. For instance, you can have up to 15 Followers, Level Up your followers (very important in later stages) and also your followers can ride a horse. The mod has many more features which come in very handy if you really like to have a management system.

2. Tame the Beasts of Skyrim 2

Download: Nexus Mods

You like to have animals as companions? This mod allows you!

You like to have animals as companions? This mod allows you!

Next up is Tame the Beasts of Skyrim 2 which is a much needed mod if you ever had the idea to tame beats as followers. The mod goes beyond than just allowing you to tame all creatures/beats in the game, no you can even train them to make them stronger for later stages. It's pretty cool to think that you can also control a dragon as your pet/follower. Much recommended if you need something new.

3. Inigo (Companion)

Download: Nexus Mods

A fully voiced Khajit companion

A fully voiced Khajit companion

The last mod in the last is something that has such a big follower base (4k discord members) that it has to be mentioned.  Inigo is a companion mod which adds a fully voiced, with unique dialogues, Khajit into the game. There is so much information around this companion that it's hard to condense everything into a simple post like this. I recommend to have a look at the nexus page and make an opinion yourself about him. Personally I don't use him as a mod (I'm not the most avid companion player) but I'm sure he will find his place within companion-friendly players.


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