How to use the Command Console for Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

How to use console commands in Fallout: New Vegas
It's pretty easy actually.
Follow these steps (only works on PC):
- Press the key below Esc (Escape)
- The console opens up, now you can input a command (see table below)
- Profit!

The console - Should look something like when you press the right key
Note: Make sure to have a extra save file before you try out any commands. Some commands can break your save file. Better be prepared than sorry!
Let's say you want to an item to your inventory. The command to add items is this: player.additem [form id] [amount]
Now you want to add the Brotherhood T-51b power armor to you inventory:

This bad boy.
All you have to do now is to find out which Item ID this armor has. It has this ID: 000EE68D
The final command becomes this then: player.additem 000EE68D 1
Which means we want to add 1 armor to our inventory.
All Commands
Console Command | Effect |
addreputation [form id] [variable] [amount] | Adds player reputation with faction; the value will max out at its normal maximum value of 100. The variable will determine if the amount is added to the player’s fame or infamy with the faction. |
removereputation [form id] [variable] [amount] | Removes player reputation with faction. |
setreputation [form id] [variable] [amount] | Sets player reputation with faction. |
removefromallfactions | Removes the player from all factions. |
setally [form id] [form id 2] [variable 1] [variable 2] | Allies two factions together. |
setenemy [form id] [form id 2] [variable 1] [variable 2] | Causes two factions to become enemies with each other. |
resetquest [quest id] | Removes quest from quest log. |
movetoqt | Moves player to current quest target. |
showquestlog | Shows the quest log. |
getquestcompleted | Checks if current quest is completed. |
sqt | Brings up a list of current quest targets. |
completequest [quest id] | Completes the specified quest. |
caqs | Completes all quests in the game. |
setstage [quest id] [quest stage number] | Moves the quest to the indicated quest stage. |
setobjectivedisplayed [quest id] [quest stage number] [1/0] | Sets which objective is displayed, in progress, in your quest log. |
player.setweaponhealthperc [percentage] | Sets weapon health to the specified value. |
player.additem [form id] [amount] | Generates the specified amount of the item. |
player.removeitem [form id] [amount] | Removes the specified amount of the item. |
player.addnote [form id] | Add indicated note. |
player.removenote [form id] | Remove the indicated note. |
player.additemhealthpercent [form id] [amount] [quality] | Generates the specified item with the specified condition. |
setownership [form id] | Make an item owned by the specified target. |
clearownership | Make the item unowned. |
unlock | Unlocks doors, safes, terminals, and locked containers. |
lock [lock level] | Locks doors, safes, terminals, and unlocked containers, and sets the difficulty of the lock. |
activate [form id] | Activates doors, switches, radios, and other items that can be turned on or off. |
player.srm | Self-repairs items up to your current repair skill. |
setpccanusepowerarmor 1 | Makes power armor wearable. |
player.showinventory | Shows inventory and all item ids. |
resetinventory. | Resets inventory of the targeted container. |
rewardkarma [number] | Receives the specified amount of karma. |
player.setscale [scale] | Sets the scale and size of the player. |
player.getav | Get the current value of skills, SPECIAL, or karma amount. |
player.modav [actor value] [value] | Add or subtract from skills or SPECIAL amount. |
player.restoreav [actor value] [value] | Increases the stat by a specified value. |
player.damageav [actor value] [value] | Reduces the stat by a specified value. |
player.forceav [actor value] [value] | Sets value of skill or SPECIAL to a specified value. |
player.advlevel | Increases player level by one. |
player.rewardxp 15000 | Receive 15,000 experience. |
showracemenu | Allows race editing. |
showbarbermenu | Allows hair editing. |
shownamemenu | Allows you to rename your character. |
showplasticsurgeonmenu | Allows face editing. |
showsleepwaitmenu 1 | Opens the sleep/wait menu. |
player.showrecipemenu [category] | Opens the crafting menu from the specified category. |
player.addperk [form id] | Gives your character the selected perk or trait. |
player.removeperk [form id] | Removes the selected perk or trait. |
sexchange | Changes the gender of your character. |
player.setspeedmult [number] | Changes your movement speed. |
showtraitmenu | Lets you reselect traits. |
player.setlevel [number] | Sets your level to the specified number. |
player.resethealth | Restore NPC’s health. |
player.agerace [number] | Ages your character accordingly. |
player.sethardcore [number] | Activates or disables hardcore mode. |
addperk [form id] | Adds selected perk to an NPC. |
resurrect | Revives an NPC. |
kill | Kills selected NPC. |
killall | Kills all NPCs in the area. |
tdetect | Toggles AI player detection. |
rdf | Resets dialogue trees for all NPCs. |
player.placeatme [form id] [1/0] | Spawns creature or NPC at your location. |
addtofaction [faction id] [1/0] | Makes an NPC part of a faction. |
removefromfaction [faction id] | Removes NPC from a faction. |
tcai | Toggles all NPC combat AI. |
tai | Toggles all or selected NPC AI. |
openteammatecontainer 1 | Opens an NPC’s inventory. |
setav aggression 0 | Disables NPC’s hostility. |
setrestrained 1 | Causes an NPC to stand in place. |
playidle [editor id] | Plays an idle. |
pushactoraway | Causes an NPC to go into ragdoll mode. |
setscale [number] | Sets scale and size of an NPC. |
agerace [number] | Sets the age of an NPC. |
matchrace [form id] | Changes the selected NPC’s race to another. |
getbaseobject | Prints a reference’s editor id. |
tfc | Toggles free camera mode. |
fov | Sets field of view to the maximum value. |
sgtm [number] | Sets global time speed. |
sucsm [number] | Sets UFO camera movement. |
tlb | Toggles Light Brite mode, which disables lighting and shadowing. |
tcl | Activates no clipping mode. |
tdt | Toggles debug display. |
tlv | Toggles leaves. |
tg | Toggles grass. |
tp | Toggles view of projectiles and spawns. |
tfow | Toggles fog of war. |
tgm | Toggles God Mode. |
tdm | Toggles Demigod Mode. |
enableplayercontrols | Enables player controls. |
disable | Removes selected object from the game. |
enable | Restores previously disabled objects. |
markfordelete | Marks and object for deletion. |
zap | Deletes an object from the game. |
coc [cell name] | Teleports you to town or area. |
tcg | Toggles collision geometry visibility. |
twf | Toggles wireframe. |
tm | Toggles HUD. |
tvl | Toggles VATS lights. |
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