Cover Image of the Game Final Fantasy 12

General Tips and Tricks for Final Fantasy 12

Final Fantasy 12

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General Tips and Tricks for FF12

Need general tips to get started with Final Fantasy 12? No worries. I got you fam.

Tip 1: Rotate Chars

You have 6 characters at your disposal. Level them all equally so you don't have problems to assign jobs later to them. Farming mid-late game is annoying because you have to back-track alot.

Tip 2: Play balanced Groups

More like a extension to Tip 1: Balance your chars in groups so you always have the same comp. This makes it easier to play a normal run because otherwise it will be frustrating at certain points in the game. Also you don't have to adjust playstyle because the 2 groups are pretty much the same gameplay wise.

Tip 3: Don't use Licence Points right away

Try not to use your earned LP immediately. The reason is that often you get very strong weapons you can unlock with those points. Those yield far better value than just upgrading your stats. You also want to look into the second Licence Board fast because those give better value aswell.

Tip 4: Early Gambits for Heals and Buffs

Buy early gambits if you can. Those are very useful for heals and to cleanse yourself from debuffs. The more you support the group the more relaxed the fights become for you.

Tip 5: Enhance Stealing with Gambits

Stealing might seem a bit pointless if you can just farm gold and buy shit but trust me here: Level this skill up and enhance it with Gambits. You can steal very good stuff from enemies with this and skip the hassle of farming items/gold to get there.

Tip 6: Haste, Haste ... Haste

In almost any Final Fantasy Game, this spell is beyond broken. It basically let's your group attack more often. 

Attack more often = Higher DPS (Damage per Second)

It's a no brainer really. Also get other buffs like Protes and Courage. That stuff slaps!

Tip 7: Talk to everyone

I don't need to tell you this if you already played RPG's before. You should talk to every NPC ever if you can. You get a sidequest or two and often, they overlap. Meaning you only have to kill 10 cactus instead of 5 and then another 10 if you happen to accept the sidequest later.

Sure you can level up faster that way, but playing out the quests smart will easy of the grinding a bit.


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