Cover Image of the Game Dragon Quest 8

Dragon Quest 8 Recipe List

Dragon Quest 8

Profile picture of playguidegg





A short helpful list on Dragon Quest 8 alchemy recipes. The list is WIP!



Remember: The alchemy pot brews when you walk. There is no timer. So just waiting around not moving won't progress the alchemy pot brewing.


WeaponItems needed
Assassin's DaggerEagle Dagger + Poison Needle
Bandit AxeBattle axe + Thief's Key
Beast talonBeast claws + Ethereal stone
Blizzard bladeBastard sword + Icicle dirk/Cold cheese
Cheiron's bowEros' bow + Power shield
Cobra clawFire claw + Devil's tail
Copper swordBronze knife + Bronze knife
Demon spearBattle fork + Poison needle/Devil's tail
Demon whipScourge whip + Devil's tail
Double-edged swordÜber double-edge + Devil's tail
Dragon slayerDragonsbane + Mighty armlet
Dragonlord clawDragon claws + Ethereal stone
Dragontail whipSnakeskin whip + Dragon's scale + Dragon's scale
Dragovian king swordDragovian sword + Liquid metal sword
Erdrick's SwordYe Olde Sword of Erdrick + Liquid metal sword + Orichalcum
Eros' bowHunter's bow + Garter
Falcon knifeSlime earrings + Tough guy tattoo + Agility ring
Fallen angel rapierHoly silver rapier + Devil's tail + Wing of bat
Fire clawIron claw + Flametang boomerang
Flametang boomerangSwallowtail + Flame shield
Golden axeIron axe + Gold nugget
Hell scytheSteel scythe + Poison moth knife + Hades' helm
Holy lanceLong spear + Gold rosary
Holy silver rapierTemplar's sword + Holy talisman
Hunter's bowCypress stick + Cypress stick + Strength ring orShort bow + Chain whip
Imp knifeAssassin's dagger + Devil's tail
Iron axeFarmer's scythe + Farmer's scythe
Iron lanceCypress stick + Dagger
King axeGolden axe + Slime crown
King cobra clawCobra claw + Hades' helm
Leather whipDevil's tail + Saint's ashes
Liquid metal swordRusty old sword + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Long spearCypress stick + Cypress stick + Iron lance
Lunar fanStellar fan + Full moon ring + Gold rosary
Magma staffWizard's staff + Rockbomb shard + Rockbomb shard
Megaton hammerÜber war hammer + Conquerer's axe + Orichalcum
Mercury's rapierFallen angel rapier + Mercury's bandana + Mercury's bandana
Metal king spearMetal wing boomerang + Holy lance
Metal wing boomerangRazor wing boomerang + Metal king spear
Moon axeGolden axe + Moon's mercy
Odin's bowCheiron's bow + Eros' bow + Great bow
Peacock fanIron fan + Hermes' hat
Razor wing boomerangEdged boomerang + Wing of bat + Steel scythe
Reinforced boomerangBoomerang + Iron nail
Rusty old swordLiquid metal sword + Mystifying mixture + Cowpat
Sandstorm spearPartisan + Saint's ashes
Scourge whipDemon whip + Saint's ashes
Shamshir of lightShimmering dress + Rune staff + Light shield
SledgehammerGiant mallet + Iron helmet + Iron helmet
Snakeskin whipLeather whip + Scale shield
Solar fanLunar fan + Flame shield + Magma staff
Staff of antimagicWizard's staff + Rune staff
Staff of resurrectionRune staff + Life bracer + Yggdrasil leaf
Stellar fanRainbow fan + Highly-strung cheese + Silver tiara
Stone axeStone hardhat + Cypress stick
Über double-edgeDouble-edged sword + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes
Über falcon bladeFalcon blade + Meteorite bracer
Über miracle swordMiracle sword + Life bracer
Über war hammerWar hammer + Mighty armlet
Zombie slayerZombiesbane + Holy talisman


ArmorItems needed
Angel's robeFlowing dress + Magical skirt
Bandit mailHeavy armour + Bandit axe + Bandit's grass skirt
BoxersBandit's grass skirt + Bandana
Bronze armourChain mail + Bronze shield
Bunny suitSilk bustier + Bunny tail
Chain mailWayfarer's clothes + Chain whip
Crimson robeSage's robe + Magic water + Nook grass
Dancer's mailSilver mail + Dancer's costume
Dark robeCloak of evasion + Wing of bat + Devil's tail
Divine bustierDangerous bustier + Shimmering dress
Dogsbody's vestBandit mail + Plain clothes + Coral hairpin
Dragon mailSilver mail + Dragon's scale + Dragon's scale
Fur ponchoMagic beast hide + Magic beast hide
Gigant armourBandit mail + Mighty armlet + Mighty armlet
Hexlet's skirt*Magical skirt + Imp knife + Mystifying mixture
Iron cuirassIron shield + Iron shield
Leather armourWayfarer's clothes + Magic beast hide
Leather dressDancer's costume + Magic beast hide
Leather kiltBoxers + Magic beast hide OR Leather whip + Bandana
Magical skirtBandit's grass skirt + Magical hat + Magical mace
Magic armourFull plate armour + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection
Metal king armourLiquid metal armour + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Mirror armourSilver mail + Mirror shield + Mirror shield
Nitid tutuSpangled dress + Dancer's costume + Life bracer
Oriental warrior wearFlowing dress + Crimson robe + Lunar fan
Platinum mailZombie mail + Saint's ashes
Princess's robeAngel's robe + Gold rosary + Shimmering dress
Robe of serenityCloak of evasion + Boxers
Sage's robeMagic vestment + Scholar's cap
Scale armourLeather armour + Dragon's scale
Shimmering dressSpangled dress + Ruby of protection + Gold bracer
Silver cuirassIron cuirass + Silver platter + Silver platter
Spiked armourMagic armour + Edged boomerang
Templar's uniformWayfarer's clothes + Templar's shield
Über sacred armourSacred armour + Ruby of protection + Recovery ring
Wayfarer's clothesPlain clothes + Plain clothes
Zombie mailSilver mail + Zombiesbane OR Platinum mail + Devil's tail


ShieldsItems needed
Big bad boss shieldBig boss shield + Goddess shield + Mild cheese
Bronze shieldLeather shield + Bronze knife
Dragon shieldSteel shield + Dragon's scale + Dragon's scale
Flame shieldMagic shield + Flametang boomerang
Goddess shieldThanatos' shield + Saint's ashes
Ice shieldMagic shield + Icicle dirk
Leather shieldPot lid + Magic beast hide
Magic shieldSteel shield + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection
Metal king shieldRuinous shield + Saint's ashes + Orichalcum
Power shieldMagic shield + Strength ring + Cured cheese
Ruinous shieldMetal king shield + Devil's tail
Saintess shieldMirror shield + White shield + Holy water
Scale shieldLeather shield + Dragon's scale
Silver shieldMirror shield + Amor seco essence + Magic water
Templar's shieldIron shield + Templar's uniform
Thanatos' shieldGoddess shield + Devil's tail
White shieldLight shield + Fresh milk + Fresh milk OR Iron shield + Silver platter


HeadgearItems needed
Bronze helmetStone hardhat + Bronze knife + Bronze knife
Bunny earsHairband + Bunny tail
Dogsbody's hoodCoral hairpin + Bandana + Tough guy tattoo
Feathered capLeather hat + Chimaera wing
Fur hoodFeathered cap + Fur poncho
Golden tiaraThinking cap + Gold nugget + Silver tiara
Hades' helmMythril helm + Devil's tail
Happy hatFeathered cap + Elevating shoes
Hermes' hatFeathered cap + Mercury's bandana
Hexlet's hatMagical hat + Thinking cap + Mystifying mixture
Kunoichi headbandIron headgear + Mercury's bandana
Mercury's bandanaBandana + Agility ring
Mythril helmHades' helm + Saint's ashes
Phantom maskIron headgear + Dark robe
Pointy hatLeather hat + Iron nail
Raging bull helmMythril helm + Cowpat + Fresh milk
Scholar's capMagical hat + Scholar's specs
Silver tiaraCoral hairpin + Silver platter
Skull helmSun crown + Devil's tail
Stone hardhatStone axe + Pointy hat
Sun crownSkull helm + Saint's ashes
Thinking capScholar's cap + Iron headgear
TurbanBandana + Bandana


AccessoryItems needed
Agility ringPrayer ring + Seed of agility
Catholicon ringFull moon ring + Ring of truth + Ring of immunity
Elevating shoesFishnet stockings + Happy hat
Full moon ringGold ring + Poison moth knife
Goddess ringRecovery ring + Orichalcum
Holy talismanTough guy tattoo + Holy water + Gold rosary
Life bracerRecovery ring + Gold bracer
Meteorite bracerAgility ring + Agility ring + Orichalcum
Mighty armletStrength ring + Titan belt
Prayer ringGold ring + Seed of magic
Recovery ringPrayer ring + Seed of life
Ring of awakeningGold ring + Dream blade
Ring of clarityGold ring + Fallen angel rapier
Ring of immunityGold ring + Poison needle
Ring of truthGold ring + Sandstorm spear
Ruby of protectionPrayer ring + Seed of resilience
Scholar's specsRing of awakening + Ring of clarity + Seed of wisdom
Skull ringSorcerer's ring + Devil's tail
Sorcerer's ringSkull ring + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes
Strength ringPrayer ring + Seed of strength
Titan beltLeather kilt + Strength ring


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