Dragon Quest 8 Recipe List
Dragon Quest 8

A short helpful list on Dragon Quest 8 alchemy recipes. The list is WIP!

Remember: The alchemy pot brews when you walk. There is no timer. So just waiting around not moving won't progress the alchemy pot brewing.
Weapon | Items needed |
Assassin's Dagger | Eagle Dagger + Poison Needle |
Bandit Axe | Battle axe + Thief's Key |
Beast talon | Beast claws + Ethereal stone |
Blizzard blade | Bastard sword + Icicle dirk/Cold cheese |
Cheiron's bow | Eros' bow + Power shield |
Cobra claw | Fire claw + Devil's tail |
Copper sword | Bronze knife + Bronze knife |
Demon spear | Battle fork + Poison needle/Devil's tail |
Demon whip | Scourge whip + Devil's tail |
Double-edged sword | Über double-edge + Devil's tail |
Dragon slayer | Dragonsbane + Mighty armlet |
Dragonlord claw | Dragon claws + Ethereal stone |
Dragontail whip | Snakeskin whip + Dragon's scale + Dragon's scale |
Dragovian king sword | Dragovian sword + Liquid metal sword |
Erdrick's Sword | Ye Olde Sword of Erdrick + Liquid metal sword + Orichalcum |
Eros' bow | Hunter's bow + Garter |
Falcon knife | Slime earrings + Tough guy tattoo + Agility ring |
Fallen angel rapier | Holy silver rapier + Devil's tail + Wing of bat |
Fire claw | Iron claw + Flametang boomerang |
Flametang boomerang | Swallowtail + Flame shield |
Golden axe | Iron axe + Gold nugget |
Hell scythe | Steel scythe + Poison moth knife + Hades' helm |
Holy lance | Long spear + Gold rosary |
Holy silver rapier | Templar's sword + Holy talisman |
Hunter's bow | Cypress stick + Cypress stick + Strength ring orShort bow + Chain whip |
Imp knife | Assassin's dagger + Devil's tail |
Iron axe | Farmer's scythe + Farmer's scythe |
Iron lance | Cypress stick + Dagger |
King axe | Golden axe + Slime crown |
King cobra claw | Cobra claw + Hades' helm |
Leather whip | Devil's tail + Saint's ashes |
Liquid metal sword | Rusty old sword + Slime crown + Orichalcum |
Long spear | Cypress stick + Cypress stick + Iron lance |
Lunar fan | Stellar fan + Full moon ring + Gold rosary |
Magma staff | Wizard's staff + Rockbomb shard + Rockbomb shard |
Megaton hammer | Über war hammer + Conquerer's axe + Orichalcum |
Mercury's rapier | Fallen angel rapier + Mercury's bandana + Mercury's bandana |
Metal king spear | Metal wing boomerang + Holy lance |
Metal wing boomerang | Razor wing boomerang + Metal king spear |
Moon axe | Golden axe + Moon's mercy |
Odin's bow | Cheiron's bow + Eros' bow + Great bow |
Peacock fan | Iron fan + Hermes' hat |
Razor wing boomerang | Edged boomerang + Wing of bat + Steel scythe |
Reinforced boomerang | Boomerang + Iron nail |
Rusty old sword | Liquid metal sword + Mystifying mixture + Cowpat |
Sandstorm spear | Partisan + Saint's ashes |
Scourge whip | Demon whip + Saint's ashes |
Shamshir of light | Shimmering dress + Rune staff + Light shield |
Sledgehammer | Giant mallet + Iron helmet + Iron helmet |
Snakeskin whip | Leather whip + Scale shield |
Solar fan | Lunar fan + Flame shield + Magma staff |
Staff of antimagic | Wizard's staff + Rune staff |
Staff of resurrection | Rune staff + Life bracer + Yggdrasil leaf |
Stellar fan | Rainbow fan + Highly-strung cheese + Silver tiara |
Stone axe | Stone hardhat + Cypress stick |
Über double-edge | Double-edged sword + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes |
Über falcon blade | Falcon blade + Meteorite bracer |
Über miracle sword | Miracle sword + Life bracer |
Über war hammer | War hammer + Mighty armlet |
Zombie slayer | Zombiesbane + Holy talisman |
Armor | Items needed |
Angel's robe | Flowing dress + Magical skirt |
Bandit mail | Heavy armour + Bandit axe + Bandit's grass skirt |
Boxers | Bandit's grass skirt + Bandana |
Bronze armour | Chain mail + Bronze shield |
Bunny suit | Silk bustier + Bunny tail |
Chain mail | Wayfarer's clothes + Chain whip |
Crimson robe | Sage's robe + Magic water + Nook grass |
Dancer's mail | Silver mail + Dancer's costume |
Dark robe | Cloak of evasion + Wing of bat + Devil's tail |
Divine bustier | Dangerous bustier + Shimmering dress |
Dogsbody's vest | Bandit mail + Plain clothes + Coral hairpin |
Dragon mail | Silver mail + Dragon's scale + Dragon's scale |
Fur poncho | Magic beast hide + Magic beast hide |
Gigant armour | Bandit mail + Mighty armlet + Mighty armlet |
Hexlet's skirt* | Magical skirt + Imp knife + Mystifying mixture |
Iron cuirass | Iron shield + Iron shield |
Leather armour | Wayfarer's clothes + Magic beast hide |
Leather dress | Dancer's costume + Magic beast hide |
Leather kilt | Boxers + Magic beast hide OR Leather whip + Bandana |
Magical skirt | Bandit's grass skirt + Magical hat + Magical mace |
Magic armour | Full plate armour + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection |
Metal king armour | Liquid metal armour + Slime crown + Orichalcum |
Mirror armour | Silver mail + Mirror shield + Mirror shield |
Nitid tutu | Spangled dress + Dancer's costume + Life bracer |
Oriental warrior wear | Flowing dress + Crimson robe + Lunar fan |
Platinum mail | Zombie mail + Saint's ashes |
Princess's robe | Angel's robe + Gold rosary + Shimmering dress |
Robe of serenity | Cloak of evasion + Boxers |
Sage's robe | Magic vestment + Scholar's cap |
Scale armour | Leather armour + Dragon's scale |
Shimmering dress | Spangled dress + Ruby of protection + Gold bracer |
Silver cuirass | Iron cuirass + Silver platter + Silver platter |
Spiked armour | Magic armour + Edged boomerang |
Templar's uniform | Wayfarer's clothes + Templar's shield |
Über sacred armour | Sacred armour + Ruby of protection + Recovery ring |
Wayfarer's clothes | Plain clothes + Plain clothes |
Zombie mail | Silver mail + Zombiesbane OR Platinum mail + Devil's tail |
Shields | Items needed |
Big bad boss shield | Big boss shield + Goddess shield + Mild cheese |
Bronze shield | Leather shield + Bronze knife |
Dragon shield | Steel shield + Dragon's scale + Dragon's scale |
Flame shield | Magic shield + Flametang boomerang |
Goddess shield | Thanatos' shield + Saint's ashes |
Ice shield | Magic shield + Icicle dirk |
Leather shield | Pot lid + Magic beast hide |
Magic shield | Steel shield + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection |
Metal king shield | Ruinous shield + Saint's ashes + Orichalcum |
Power shield | Magic shield + Strength ring + Cured cheese |
Ruinous shield | Metal king shield + Devil's tail |
Saintess shield | Mirror shield + White shield + Holy water |
Scale shield | Leather shield + Dragon's scale |
Silver shield | Mirror shield + Amor seco essence + Magic water |
Templar's shield | Iron shield + Templar's uniform |
Thanatos' shield | Goddess shield + Devil's tail |
White shield | Light shield + Fresh milk + Fresh milk OR Iron shield + Silver platter |
Headgear | Items needed |
Bronze helmet | Stone hardhat + Bronze knife + Bronze knife |
Bunny ears | Hairband + Bunny tail |
Dogsbody's hood | Coral hairpin + Bandana + Tough guy tattoo |
Feathered cap | Leather hat + Chimaera wing |
Fur hood | Feathered cap + Fur poncho |
Golden tiara | Thinking cap + Gold nugget + Silver tiara |
Hades' helm | Mythril helm + Devil's tail |
Happy hat | Feathered cap + Elevating shoes |
Hermes' hat | Feathered cap + Mercury's bandana |
Hexlet's hat | Magical hat + Thinking cap + Mystifying mixture |
Kunoichi headband | Iron headgear + Mercury's bandana |
Mercury's bandana | Bandana + Agility ring |
Mythril helm | Hades' helm + Saint's ashes |
Phantom mask | Iron headgear + Dark robe |
Pointy hat | Leather hat + Iron nail |
Raging bull helm | Mythril helm + Cowpat + Fresh milk |
Scholar's cap | Magical hat + Scholar's specs |
Silver tiara | Coral hairpin + Silver platter |
Skull helm | Sun crown + Devil's tail |
Stone hardhat | Stone axe + Pointy hat |
Sun crown | Skull helm + Saint's ashes |
Thinking cap | Scholar's cap + Iron headgear |
Turban | Bandana + Bandana |
Accessory | Items needed |
Agility ring | Prayer ring + Seed of agility |
Catholicon ring | Full moon ring + Ring of truth + Ring of immunity |
Elevating shoes | Fishnet stockings + Happy hat |
Full moon ring | Gold ring + Poison moth knife |
Goddess ring | Recovery ring + Orichalcum |
Holy talisman | Tough guy tattoo + Holy water + Gold rosary |
Life bracer | Recovery ring + Gold bracer |
Meteorite bracer | Agility ring + Agility ring + Orichalcum |
Mighty armlet | Strength ring + Titan belt |
Prayer ring | Gold ring + Seed of magic |
Recovery ring | Prayer ring + Seed of life |
Ring of awakening | Gold ring + Dream blade |
Ring of clarity | Gold ring + Fallen angel rapier |
Ring of immunity | Gold ring + Poison needle |
Ring of truth | Gold ring + Sandstorm spear |
Ruby of protection | Prayer ring + Seed of resilience |
Scholar's specs | Ring of awakening + Ring of clarity + Seed of wisdom |
Skull ring | Sorcerer's ring + Devil's tail |
Sorcerer's ring | Skull ring + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes |
Strength ring | Prayer ring + Seed of strength |
Titan belt | Leather kilt + Strength ring |
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