Best Rainbow Six Siege Operators (Tier List)
Rainbow Six: Siege

Operators are an essential part of Rainbow Six: Siege. Altough often you can be good in any character/class/champion in video games, there are some who are stat wise speaking better than others. Which in turn make things alot easier and at some point create a META.
That's why we would like to present to you in short a Tier list of all operators. S being the best while D being the worst.
Naturually you would pick from top to bottom to find your playstyle while keeping the stat check high.

Still a good game.
S Tier
- Fenrir
- Solis
- Lesion
- Ying
- Mute
- Dokkaebi
- Tubarao
- Azami
- Warden
A Tier
- Valkyrie
- Buck
- Ace
- Hibana
- Iana
- Smoke
- Echo
- Maestro
- Kaid
B Tier
- Wamai
- Mira
- Bandit
- Kapkan
- Pulse
- Jackal
- Lion
- Finka
- Zero
- Sledge
- Thatcher
- Ash
- Thermite
- Twitch
- Aruni
- Montagne
- Glaz
- Capitao
- Deimos
- Castle
- Zofia
- Maverick
- Nomad
- Gridlock
- Goyo
- Frost
- Melusi
- Flores
- Osa
- Grim
- Brava
- Ram
- Jager
- Caveira
- Mozzie
C Tier
- Rook
- Fuse
- Thorn
- Clash
- Blitz
- IQ
- Nook
- Amaru
- Kali
- Doc
- Ela
- Vigil
- Alibi
- Oryx
D Tier
- Sens
- Thunderbird
- Tachanka
- Blackbeard
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