3 Facts you didn't know about the Mass Effect Games
Mass Effect

Mass Effect is considered to be one of the best Sciene Fiction Games of all time. Even though Mass Effect: Andromeda was a bit weak argueably and the Mass Effect 3 Ending initially was a bit lackluster, the franchise still is very good gameplay wise. We will unveil some cool facts about the game you may not know. Let's go!
Fact #1: They wanted to name the Game "SFX"
Before the game was finished for release, the internal working name was "SFX". The devs became so attached to the name that they wanted to keep it because SFX meant "Sciene Fiction X". They decided against it because a magazine was already named SFX.
Instead the choose Mass Effect out of 10 proposed titles.

The Shepards
Fact #2: Banned in Singapore and U.A.E
Initially the game was banned in Singapore and U.A.E due to having homosexual relationships in the game. Both states are religious towards the islam so it's natural that homosexual romantic relationships are a bit controversal to say the least.
Recently however the ban was lifted in Singapore and in U.A.E you can purchase and play the game if you purchse it online.

Miranda and Shepard
Fact #3: Indoctrination Theory
Spoiler ahead: In the ending of Mass Effect 3 you get to choose to either kill the reapers, control them or ally with them (synthetic ending). You may also choose to not do "anything" by shooting the little ghost child that appears at the platform. The ending is quite controversial and some fans believe, that the decisions are just hallucinations from the reapers and that there is no real decision making. It's all smoke and mirror and a way to lure shepard into choosing control/ally when the only real ending is to destroy the reapers.

Shepard choosing an ending
That's all for today. If you like what you see make sure to leave a comment! Thanks for reading.
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